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Fake media - Can blockchain help ?

Fake media - A potential solution using Blockchain ? Media is an important pillar of democracy but this pillar is loosing trust and getting weaker due to TRP focused approach. This is a big risk for the democratic fabric of  any country. News channel /media industry needs a refinement to remain responsible and trustworthy.  What is the problem ? - Media is loosing trust due to fake or misrepresented facts. - There is no effective regulating body for media. - U nreliable information going viral online (aka fake news) is one of the biggest threats faced by society. What is the solution ? - Need an effective regulating body to control fake news. There is no central agency which can be trusted today.   - Need a central agency which is unbiased , run automatically and transparently without any human  interaction. How Blockchain can help ? Step 1:  Create an open community controlled by bloc...

What is Bitcoin ?

Bitcoin - Explained  with a simple use case      →????? Let’s imagine it’s a great evening and we are sitting in a pub. I have one 100 dollar note* with me. I give it to you. You now have one 100 dollar note and I have zero. That was simple, right? Note * : Here 100 dollar note is a banknote (often known as a bill , paper money or simply a note ).  I will refer it as note , please read it as note or bill based on your local convention. Let’s take a closer look at what happened. My 100 dollar note was physically put into your hand. You know it happened. I was there. You were there. You touched it. We didn’t need a third person there to help us do the transfer. We didn’t need to pull in a judge to sit with us and confirm that the 100 dollar note went from me to you. The note is your now, you can do anything you like, you can use it to buy something for you or you can give it to someone else. You have the full ownership of the no...