How to ship product faster ? There are many things goes into building a tech product like requirements gathering / analysis to development and testing. There are few things which are in control of developer like architecture , design , code quality and there are something which are outside the control of him/her like requirements clarity , stakeholder mgmt etc. So as a developer , what I can do to make things faster ? Lets first look at, what is that is most important to drive fast ? Break ? Like break plays a very vital role in speeding up your car, you can't accelerate unless you are comfortable to control / break when you need. Similary in Tech world , Testing and Monitoring provides the right level of controls you need. Automation testing helps build confidence of build quality & Strong Application monitoring gives you an immediate feedback is something goes wrong , this in-turns enable you to control and correct the damage quickly inca...
I am glad to be part of the panel discussion organised by AWS. It was a great learning experience and a great opportunity to connect and hear from other leaders who are using technology to solve user problems. Also it was a great surprise to meet my ex - RBS colleagues as Panel moderator from AWS ,Vikas Bajaj. Reference - I am putting down some of the key points that we discussed both on and off the stage. Obsession with Customer Key is to Know Your Customer and help them by solving their problem by the use of Technology , don't go other way around that develop best Technology solution w/o understanding your customer. Customer should be centre of everything we do. Fail Fast Learn Fast It is important to focus and spend time and energy on innovation . Innovation is key to success, however its important to do it on more measured and controlled fashions. Accept failure and move on if th...