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How to ship product faster ?

How to ship product faster ?  There are many things goes into building a tech product like requirements gathering / analysis to development and testing. There are few things which are in control of developer like architecture , design , code quality  and there are something which are outside the control of him/her like requirements clarity , stakeholder mgmt etc. So as a developer , what I can do to make things faster ?  Lets first look at, what is that is  most important to drive fast ?   Break  ? Like break plays a very vital role in speeding up your car, you can't accelerate unless you are comfortable to control / break when you need. Similary in Tech world , Testing and Monitoring provides the right level of controls you need. Automation testing helps build confidence of build quality  & Strong Application monitoring gives you an immediate feedback is something goes wrong , this in-turns enable you to control and correct the damage quickly inca...
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Fake media - Can blockchain help ?

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What is Bitcoin ?

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